Welcome Home
- Do you suffer from high self esteem?
- Are you tired of feeling pretty good about yourself?
- Do you feel like you’re on top of the world?
- Want to stop having a positive self-image?
- Do you struggle with too much self-confidence?
- MeanFriends is here to help!
New MFer T-shirts are here!
We’ve been talking and talking about this for years, and we finally got up off of our asses and made some MFer T-Shirts! So, leave no doubt in people’s minds…you’re and MFer and proud of it!
Get Rich on Bitcoin
Seems like everyone is making money on Bitcoins. You don’t want to be the only one of your friends which is not stinking, filthy rich. The time to get in on this action is now! Here’s a short tutorial how to make millions with Bitcoins……
Workouts for MFers!

Just wait and see, the new Mean Friends Exercise Programs are coming.